So I just LOVE these new mini cakes we have started at work. They are 4in cakes stacked 3 high. We have a Tinkerbell, Barbie, and Spiderman. These 2 I've done were kinda my version of some halloween/fall things. I love them! YAY! lol
So here is one of my most recent cakes. I'm not a big fan of this, could have been better if I did it at home rather than work. Everyone else loves it and so on...Here it is....
So I have another version of the hunter cake I did. I didn't really change much. I did change the deer and the layout a little. This cake was done on a half sheet this time. I have a few close ups one of the deer (that I made by hand) and the fish, which are colored chocolate. :)
A sleeping hunter is missing his shot at the deer. Funny. Had the hardest time thinking of what to do for my uncles birthday. Got some inspriation from searching the net. Put my own spin on some ideas. And here it is.
I must give credit to the figurines to someone else. I made them out of clay with my own little twist, but they were inspired by a picture I found online.